Understand why your child might be struggling at school, what their behaviour tells you, and simple ways to boost their confidence.
Understand why your child might be struggling at school, what their behaviour tells you, and simple ways to boost their confidence.
Tips to reduce arguments and safely manage the amount of time your child spends on screens
Look at the problem with giving ultimatums and what you can do instead to reduce family conflict.
Understand why your teen is ignoring or refusing your instructions with strategies to get them listening.
Understand why your child might be struggling at school and simple ways to boost their confidence.
Understand why your child feels they can’t go to school with helpful ideas to best support them
Josephine Aligwekwe talks to Clare about anxiety and the impact it has on children’s and young people’s behaviour.
Find out why your child is ignoring or refusing your instructions, and get them listening without ultimatums.
Find out why angry ultimatums just don’t work with teenagers (or don’t work for long) with ideas to improve family communication.
Find ways to improve communication with your child and get them talking to you.